
Posted by Blake, Kimberly, Adeline, and Oliver | Posted in | Posted on Sunday, January 03, 2010

Mr. Oscar the Roonie I'm not so Loonie Lloyd is one heck of a heartbreaker.  I'll wait for Kimberly to tell the story about that one because Mrs Lloyd is definitely dying from a broken heart as of last night.  Until then here is a picture of Romeo.

This feller is Adeline's best friend.  Here is some bonus footage for the new year.  While everyone else's flights were being grounded Adeline was flying high.
A kiss before the takeoff because you just never know how these things are going to turn out.

Flying high and loving every minute of it.  I think that she might take after Nathanael and be a pilot.  Either that or she is going to join the circus.

And finally she is back on the ground after a smooth landing.  She's a pro folks.

Now for some important business.  That last Mad Gab race for a billion was answered correctly.  Do you believe in magic was the answer.  Get ready to play again.  Here is the phrase.  Bow Cat Ha Clumpy Ha

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Bogota, Columbia