Hayride Fun

Posted by Blake, Kimberly, Adeline, and Oliver | Posted in | Posted on Sunday, November 15, 2009

November 7, 2009 was the inaugural King family hayride and "bonfire".  Yeah, bonfire is put in quotations because I expected more effort out of Mr Joe King.  Here is a picture of the so-called "bonfire".

Pretty weak right?  This picture kinda makes me think of Paul Hogan.  Please tell me you agree.  I really just wanted to say "That's not a fire, that's a fire" right as I flipped a small car with one hand and lit it on fire with my laser beam vision.  Don't worry, next year Joe is going to come through in the clutch and probably have a really sweet fire that will get the fire department called out to his farm.

I couldn't really argue with the hayride part of the ordeal because it was exactly that.  It really took me back to the days when the whole Methodist church would make the trek to Chris and Hirk Scott's to have a fun night of food and hayride.  I'm sure that most of you will remember those good old days.

As you can see there are quite a few ladies on this side of the family.  It's gonna make for an interesting few years when they are all teenagers.
Adeline is doing the patented pucker that gets her so much attention from me because I think it is funny and cute.

The crew is ready to roll.  As you may notice there are a few ladies missing.  Grace decided to take a sabbatical to St  Louis and Kristen was home with Ellie(yeah another girl under the age of one) because she was a little sniffley(see how much I'm learning in school).

 My lovely ladies.  You too Bonnie and Carly.

The grandparents at some rock that has some significance in some way that I'm not familiar with and all the little ladies.

I'm lactating.  Gynecomastia is tough to deal with but I'm getting along just fine.

The girls huddled close for warmth.  Probably won't be able to get a picture like this again.....ever.

Here you see the two most special women in my life.  They are pretty awesome. They are pretty too.

And that was the inaugural King family hayride and "bonfire".  Maybe next year everyone will actually show up and we'll have a real fire.

Comments (2)

Quit giving Joe a hard time. I think the bonfire is impressive! I remember loving Chris and Herk's hayrides. Good times!

Aahhhh...the old Methodist chuch hayrides. Makes me miss Bainbrige! Cute pix! Blake, one day your son in law is going to make fun of you too. Watch it!