
Posted by Blake, Kimberly, Adeline, and Oliver | Posted in | Posted on Monday, November 23, 2009

Kimberly and I are eternally grateful to our babysitters for helping us out so much.  Pretty much at any time Megan, Mom, or Joe and Bonnie are up here watching the little poopinator.  There is a point where you ask yourself "Should we really trust our child with this person anymore?"  This was one of those times.

I have no idea how much time Joe spent on photoshop getting this to look so awesome but I'm impressed.  Either that or this little one is more like her pops than anyone thought (she's quite the daredevil).

Comments (2)

Wow, I am glad to know I am not the least trustworthy babysitter. In fact, I just might be in the running for MOST trustworthy. I personally witnessed this is same "pony" bucking around its pen 2 weeks ago. And Kimmy commenting, "Yeah, my dad bought it for the grandkids but so far it has only bucked BJ off." Joe must be up to some serious horse whispering of late.

Well you may be the safest but you do still feed Adeline mashed potatoes and gravy!
