Posted by Blake, Kimberly, Adeline, and Oliver | Posted in | Posted on Monday, August 10, 2009
Yesterday was the 25th bird-day of my Mrs. Congratulations for being that old and still having bird-days. This past week has been a conglomeration of b-day events for Kimberly so I'll try to give you a decent update of how this silver anniversary celebration took place. On Thursday the people from Kimberly's family who love her (minus Carly who was withheld by her mean old parents) attended a gathering/cornhole beatdown at our house. Here are some pictures.

Before and after dinner I completely shattered Joe's spirits by reminding him how ridiculously talented I am at the game of cornhole. And for the record no I didn't slow down the drubbing even after he began crying that he was sick and he has cancer and whatever other excuse he could come up with.
Throughout my life I have had many great words of wisdom bestowed upon my eager-to-listen ears by men who have influenced society greatly - although sometimes in their own way. Jon Welch - 1. Always date up. 2. Never ask for permission, it is easier to ask for forgiveness. (that second set of crop circles would've never been completed without that gem) Kyle Litter - Yep, I think we can make it. You never know until you try. Nathanael Litter- Never lose, even if you have to cheat to win. Matt Knisley - Light it and RUN! George Dubyah Bush - Fool me once...... James Lupton - Trust me. Jeremy "White Devil" Sikora - Please don't hurt me. Papaw - If you don't know....figure it out. Dad - Eat your veggies, it'll put hair on your chest. For those of you who have seen me in the buck you will notice that I don't have much hair on my chest. That may or may not be contributed to the fact that I'm not real fond of vegetables. What you are about to see is the aftermath of a tropical storm I call Joe King's love of vegetables.....
This feller loves corn I guess.....
It's safe to say that if the chemo didn't take all his hair he could be confused with Harry.
Happy Bird-day with her cake from DQ.
On Saturday night mom and pops volunteered to take care of the mini lady at our house so we could go out on a date. It was nice being out away from the house but since parenthood took hold we have been acting like a couple of nonagenarians and needed to get to bed by sundown.
This was our best attempt at a family portrait on this night. Little Miss felt like her hair and makeup hadn't been done up to her standards so she was not so happy about this pic.
Today Kimberly went back to work and left Mr. Mom to his doings. After Little Miss Lady and I were finished peeing in our pants and drinking milk and looking at the ceiling together we thought it would be "right" to get the breadwinner a gift....well, Adeline thought we should get her a gift. I thought that she should get a swift kick in the pants for not having gone back to work 6 weeks ago.
What a thoughtful little lady.
Finally, here are some pictures of the little one.
Mommy makes sure that she catches some of her smiles on camera, which isn't hard because little Miss has been laughing at her momma lately anyway.
Kimberly - I hope your first day back went well. Blaker - good job on the flowers! Adeline - I love the picture of you smiling...I can't wait to see you again soon!
Give credit where credit is due. Adeline begged and begged to get the lady some flowers. I just thought that we should order a pizza that she could pick up on her way home.
Adeline is too sweet! Blake, I laugh everytime I read your Blogs! Too funny. Kimberly, how do you do it? Hope work treats you well.
The recipe I like to use is one adderall combined with a Dr. Pepper and a Mexican Speedball. I believe this combination is pure humor.
It looks like you had a great birthday Kim (mainly thanks to Adeline lol)! Hope work is treating you well. Blake--what can I say, your posts are hilarious. And Adeline is adorable!
Thanks for the entertainment Blake. You always were good for a laugh!! Great pics of the cutie pie.The Lloyd/Knisley saga continues.........T(JDK)
I hope you are having a good week and work is going well. I just don't know how you put up with Blake! I laughed out loud reading the things you learned from the men in your life. I will be over soon (maybe today) to see that little lady...oh,and you guys too.