Posted by Blake, Kimberly, Adeline, and Oliver | Posted in | Posted on Monday, August 31, 2009
1800 miles, 2 13 hour drives, 6 states, one hurricane named Bill and one tropical storm named Danny. That's what I call a vacation. Adeline was all too eager to leave the OH so at 11:45 in the PM on Saturday we hit the road.
Here is a picture of the little eager beaver as she prepared to shove off on the journey of her lifetime. She loves being naked, just like her big sister.
This is the little trooper probably in New Jersey or one of the other crappy states between home and RI. Kimberly, Adeline, and I all made this our first trip to see New York City. For those of you zoofans who have seen this city you already know about the awesomeness. For those of you who haven't, you should probably fly over it or look at some pictures of it or something. I wouldn't suggest driving anywhere near it.
There is a funny story that goes along with this picture and I'm prepared to tell it. So we are driving through some crappy NE state (Connecticut) and I begin smelling the most beautiful and glorious scent one could ever imagine. I was pretty sure that I hadn't farted recently so that ruled out that possibility. Shortly after this heavenly scent began tickling my nostrils and playing hopscotch in my brain I blacked out. Most of you are probably thinking "Oh no, what about Kimberly and the kid". Well, you are forgetting that I happen to be one of the best drivers to ever grace the roadways and I can drive circles around professional drivers even in my unconsciousness. About the same time that I blacked out muscle memory and intense animal instinct took over and steered our vessel in the direction of this glorious aroma. This is a picture shortly after one of the greatest meals that I have experienced in my short lifetime. I think that at least two dreams were fulfilled in less than twenty minutes on this day (use your imagination). You know how some nosy people ask silly questions like "if you could eat dinner with any three people in history, who would they be?", well, my answer to that would undoubtedly be - my beautiful wife, my amazing daughter, and one of the greatest loves of my life....Moe's.
After finally arriving in one of the largest cities in the world, Rhode Island, we were eager to finally check out the black sand beaches we had read so much about in all the best travel magazines. We were a little disappointed when we found out that the coast is actually just a bunch of rocks that someone piled up on top of where the sand should be.
The next morning little miss Adeline was eager to get down to beach as you can see by her swimming suit. With the help of some tour guides (Brian and Emily Lynch, and Emily's brothers Matt and Nick Anderson) we were able to finally locate the sandy beaches. We enjoyed this stay at la playa for as long as possible but then it was time for Brian and I to pick up James "the boyfriend" Lupton at the airport.
Here is a picture of our little booger taking absolutely no interest in the beach at all. She received a high five from me for that one.
They do have sand in Rhode Island. I kinda thought the Ocean State would have a little more though.
This was shortly after a short spelunking trip and right before I caught the largest wave of my life. I was actually interrupted from building a sand castle for this picture. Too bad I only had 5 minutes for that beautiful piece of architecture, it could've been great.
to be continued.....