Posted by Blake, Kimberly, Adeline, and Oliver | Posted in | Posted on Sunday, October 11, 2009
I guess I'm a few weeks behind on this but I definitely need to let the fans know all about my recent sporting endeavors. On September 16, 2009 at 11:55pm I snuck out of the house while the wife and child were soundly dreaming of candy mountains and gnomes and other things of the pleasant variety. I picked up Brian and Emily shortly after this and we set sail for an all night/day drive to the beautiful mountains of New Hampshire.

After 16 hours, 900 miles, one stop at Moe's, and about 5 Red Bulls we finally arrived at our destination, the Horse and Hound Inn.
A couple of hours later the rest of the team arrived in a second van. Basically our van possessed too much coolness (and probably stinch) for most of them to step foot in it even though we did make an exception for "Pistol" Pete Morelli.
After one great night's sleep we set forth on a second journey that is not likely to soon be repeated(by me, or will it???). Our 12 person team would soon embark on a 200 mile footrace through the mountains of New Hampshire toward our destination of Hampton Beach.

Our team was pretty excited to get going and here we are at the base of the mountain. We tried to look as clueless as conceivable so that team New Balance Boston wouldn't know who to look out for.

The first runner was Emily "Faster than you" Lynch. She was lucky enough to get to run her first 7 miles uphill and in a downpour. At this point our team was really thinking that this contest might not have been too well thought out. After she finished her leg in about 50 minutes all the guys knew that we needed to find some way around the rules so Emily could run at least half of our legs too.
Basically this running business (bad idea) went on and on like this for the next 27 or so hours. Here are a few pics that were captured during the daytime hours to chronicle the journey.

This is an artistic rendering of probably the greatest driver since Ricky Bobby.....Brian "Teddy Bear" Lynch. As you can see Brian is stuck to the seat behind the drawing unable to move after 27 consecutive hours in the driver's seat with no sleep. Did I mention that one of the tricky parts of this race was actually dodging the drivers of the opposing teams?

This is pretty much what New Hampshire looks like in case you are curious. Kinda nice.

Here I am at the end of my final leg of the race. If this picture was taken about 30 seconds earlier you would have seen a 50 year old woman right beside me. Psshhhhtttt, she ain't nothin though. I showed her who could sprint it out for the camera.

And finally, Hampton beach. We ran all that way for this piece of garbage of a beach. It wasn't even warm.

Thumbs up for food and open air. Seven sweaty people in a van gets a little old after about 3 hours. It gets good at about 10 hours. Then it gets old again after 10 1/2 hours. Then............

Here is "Big" Pete Hanby showing what we won. I believe he was named Peenchy. He wasn't real happy about sitting on this platter.
Our team finished in 88th place overall and 19th in our division. It only took us 27hr 10min to run the 206.7 miles.
Here is preview of what is to come later in the week...
I invented a new game, shoot the shooter. I'll explain later.
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