Posted by Blake, Kimberly, Adeline, and Oliver | Posted in | Posted on Monday, June 22, 2009
Little Miss Adeline Makenna, 6lbs 7oz, 19in long. The world is not yet prepared for the cuteness that she will bestow upon it.

Beneath the pink hat lies a beautiful head of dark hair ..... much like the hair on our milk man's head ..... what a coincidence!
My "new" family! I couldn't be happier! Why am I yelling?!
My gorgeous bride with the small female human we are going to call Adeline. Let's just hope that she gets her momma's looks.
Overjoyed, ecstatic, elated, thrilled, euphoric, on cloud nine, tickled pink, frenzied, blissful, pleased as punch.......gone. That should about cover it.
If only Adeline's big sis Bay-dog could've made this picture it would've been me with all my ladies. I'm one lucky feller!
You are too funny, Blaker. She is just the sweetest little thing. Already like her mommy.
Congrats to the whole family. Can't wait to hear all the sordid details. We expect you all to be at the 4th party-you should be fully recovered by then. Jackie
CONGRATS new mommy and daddy. What a beauty. She looks so sweet and tiny. Have a blast. Hope to meet her soon. Both Jeremy and I will be home for Forth of July.
you never cease to amaze my Blake! just as crazy as I remember you! Congrats! I wish the best for your new family!