Zoo Trip...

Posted by Blake, Kimberly, Adeline, and Oliver | Posted in | Posted on Wednesday, December 01, 2010

About a month ago Elliott invited us to go to the zoo with him.  I didn't really want to because I thought it was going to be cold but Adeline insisted that she could teach me something useful about some of the animals so reluctantly Kimberly and I were dragged along with her.
As I told you before, Adeline loves these cutout things and I have absolutely no idea why.  And yes, I do realize that the old man of the forest (the orangutan) is grabbing my wife's left melon.

I was busy looking for bear balls when I realized that they are both female.  Booooo.

The grizzly bears were definitely awesome to watch.  They just better hope they never try to jump me in the wild.


The Litter propane mascot also made the trip to Columbus.

Elliott was mesmerized by the elephants.  I just wanted to ride one.

Me and the birthday boy striking a pose by the tiger statue.

Apparently these creatures like to eat their leafy greens.  Bad life style choice I say.

Comments (2)

And just look at how BIG and BULKY that guy is! A lesson to be learned from him for my baby boy. Love you, Mom

Haha, Mom, that's funny. Great pictures of the animals! Thanks for joining us, it made Elliott happy.