Posted by Blake, Kimberly, Adeline, and Oliver | Posted in | Posted on Friday, September 25, 2009
Guilty as charged. I have neglected my responsibility as the greatest writer/blogger in the history of writer/bloggers. Some of you are probably thinking "What is this family up to and what is the little booger accomplishing these days". Well, I have an answer to that. This week I went back to school (boo) to begin my third year in which I actually get to interact with animals (yay). Adeline recently swam the entire length of the Missouri River (which happens to be the longest river in the US) and is now beginning to work on her autobiography. She developed this passion for writing shortly after reading the its original Hebrew and Aramaic text. Enough about her though, all three month old babies do those sorts of things as far as I know.

Family pic (-)Baydog and Roon-doggie.

I suppose that I should pick up where I left off nearly a month ago...VACATION PART DEUX.
(if you have forgotten about Vacation part 1, please reread and recomment since you all failed to do so the first time)
By midweek the whole OHIO gang was together (strangely enough, the Lloyd's are the only people from Ohio in the OHIO gang). We decided/I insisted that we go for a drive around Newport and see the sites. Brian, James, and Jon rode shottie while Kimberly, Adeline, and I rode in the back.
Brian is trying to demonstrate the face you need to make to drive in New England. I think that it is the equivalent of honking your horn in Ohio. I'm not exactly sure on that one though he might just be constipated.
After a while we decided that it was
probably time to feed the peanut so we stopped at the least scenic spot along the road so the little one could eat.
Four "men" and a baby.
What comes to mind when I think of Rhode Island. Well, I actually think of Tony Horton but this comes to mind afterwards.
After all the fun in Newport it came time for Brian to battle his nerves and tropical storm Danny. The wedding was beautiful and Adeline was an angel (what would you expect).
Brian and Emily's first dance. This is probably the second time that they ever kissed too. Not just the second time as "man" and wife but the second time EVER. Strange. These two are actually so awesome that the glowing orb of light you see in the picture is in fact pure energy that was emitted from their bodies. Powder anyone? If only I could figure out how to harness that......
Shortly after this dance it came time for me to display why they call me "crazy legs". I'm pretty sure that I have never had as much fun at a wedding as I did at this one. I danced my pants off (literally) and Kimberly didn't even make me put them back on (woohoo). I also peed a little when I saw James breaking it down. He is almost as white as Jeremy "white devil" Sikora.
James "the boyfriend" Lupton dancing with the small fry.
Had to remind Little Miss who the greatest man in her life is.
Family dance (best dance of my life)
The little booger can't keep up with her pops. I wore her out so badly that she decided to nap on a teet.
My favorite women in the world (-) Baydog. I suppose some of you are suprised that Hillary Clinton, Sarah Palin, Mother Theresa, and Tiffany Amber Thiessen have been excluded. So it goes.
Cool, giant Indian head. One down, 49 to go.
Thank you Byron Lloyd. I'm pretty sure nothing else was going with us.
Adeline was getting testy. This is right before she decided to throw this pacifier at me for driving below 80mph. (she has her mother's temper)
Congratulations Brian and Emily. Thank you Mr and Mrs Anderson and Mr and Mrs Lynch for your hospitality while we were in Rhode Island.
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