The Kings

Posted by Blake, Kimberly, Adeline, and Oliver | Posted in | Posted on Monday, May 11, 2009

I wanted to share a little about what the King family is up to these days. As most of you know, my dad has been battling with Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma for a while now. He had been in remission for a few years until this past fall. He then went through about 6 months of chemo. The mass near his aorta only shrank about another 5% since he started. Starting May 22 he will be undergoing a stem cell transplant at James Cancer Center at OSU. They will blast him with chemo for about 5 days then take the donor's stem cells and tranfuse them into dad. He will have to be cooped up in a hospital room, with very little visitors, anywhere between 3 and 5 weeks until he's strong enough to come back home. Therefore, please keep him and our family in your prayers as we all try to get him through this. And of course, the main thing he is worried about is being home when our baby is born. My pops is truly an inspiration to me and I would never be who I am today without him!

Comments (3)

The whole family has our prayers. John & Jackie

Wow, two blog posts in one week?! Yay!

I am thinking and praying for your family. I love you Kimmy!

Meg, that's two blog posts in one day!! You should be proud.