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Blake, Kimberly, Adeline, and Oliver
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Saturday, December 03, 2011
We can't believe our little man is 6 months old already! It seems like time has flown by much faster than it did with Adeline. Oliver has changed a lot this past month. He got 2 bottom teeth a few weeks ago, which we weren't expecting since Adeline didn't get her first tooth until she was 11 months old. He's still sleeping from about 9:00-6:00ish then goes back to sleep until 9 or 10, or when big sis wakes him up. He adores his big sister. He grins ear to ear as soon as she walks into the room. It is so much fun watching these two interact. Oliver loves his baby food; his favorites are bananas, peaches, sweet potatoes, apples, prunes, pears, squash. He's not very fond of anything green...just like his daddy! He is starting to sit up pretty well on his own and rolling to where he wants to go, not at all interested in crawling. He loves to stand and bounce in his jumperoo, but not as crazy as sissy was. He is constantly jabbering and laughing. I'm working on "ma-ma" with him, but all he'll say is ba ba. Adeline says he's a sheep when he does it. His 6 month checkup went well, other than getting 4 shots. He weighs 17lbs 2 oz and is 27 inches long. For all you who laugh at his chins, he's under the 50th percentile in weight!!